Ogólnopolska Federacja Przedsiębiorców i Pracodawców


Federacja Przedsiębiorcy.pl patronem konferencji InvestPro UAE Dubai 2024 12 II 2024 r.

Szanowni Państwo,

Federacja Przedsiębiorcy.pl została patronem konferencji InvestPro UAE Dubai 2024. Odbędzie się ona się 12 lutego br., organizatorem jej jest przez Bosco Conference.

Podczas całego wydarzenia dominującym językiem będzie angielski – dlatego zaproszenie oraz informacje zamieszczamy właśnie w tym języku

Annual international business conference InvestPro UAE Dubai 2024

Our partner, Bosco Conference is pleased to invite you to attend the annual В2В conference InvestPro UAE Dubai 2024, which will be held on February 12, 2024 at the Taj Hotel in Dubai.

InvestPro UAE Dubai 2024 serves as a vibrant platform designed to offer business professionals exclusive and up-to-date insights, enhancing their interactions with colleagues. Prominent experts from across the globe will impart practical business advice, fostering the growth of client and partner connections. 

InvestPro UAE Dubai 2024 will focus on offering pragmatic solutions for professionals in finance, corporate business, wealth management, citizenship and immigration, international tax structuring, as well as for companies engaged in international trade and investment. Distinguished speakers of the conference will comprise top executives from leading companies and banks across the CIS countries, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.

This time, InvestPro 2024 conferences will be different from the previous ones, because every year our team is developing, and the conferences are improving. The motto that will accompany all our events in 2024 is quite telling: „Create your own symphony of success in business”. We want to unite all our like-minded people and give them the opportunity to reach even greater heights!

Topics to be expected during the conference:

–          Updates in the banking system

–          Current real estate investment opportunities

–          Immigration and relocation possibilities

–          Company Set-up

–          Asset protection and Wealth Management

–          How to find a new partners and clients

Date: February 12

Venue: Taj Dubai


Format of the conference:

  • Conference + Networking,
  • B2B (90% – B2B, 10% – B2C),
  • 250+Delegates from 30+ countries,
  • 12+Presentations,
  • 15+ Partners;
  • Coffee-breaks, Lunch, Evening Cocktail, Great Raffle

Working language: English

Take advantage of the chance – register with additional -10% discount using the promocode OFPP Tech Outlook via the link!

*The Organizer has right to refuse a registration. For more information, please visit the website or  contact Bosco Conference via e-mail: bc@bosco-conference.com

 Stay tuned! Bosco Conference in LinkedIn|Instagram|Facebook|YouTube|Taplink

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